Watermelon, you are correct about the ASTM specs. They cover hex bolts up to 1.5" diameter. The original construction drawings and specs list 2.5" diameter A325 threaded rod, with nuts at both ends. One end is tightened against the base plate and the other end is tightened against a...
I'm in search for design guidelines (i.e. allowable stresses) for A307 bolts subjected to cyclic loading (on the order of millions of cycles).
We are designing a retrofit of a large base plate anchored to a slab, with pretenstioned bolts. The drawings spec'd A325, but the fabricator supplied...
We've had the same problems. We've actually lost days of work because of MathCAD's buggy save/save as feature.
What we've seen is that MathCAD will sometimes refuse to saveas or worse yet, it will pretend to successfully saveas, then the next day when you open up your file, you'll find that it...