Can't believe I didn't think of a yellow book... I've already found six new companies that seem to be a good fit. Thanks for all the suggestions.
I'm an overly paranoid person when it comes to landing a job and this economy is not calming my nerves. I was thinking about selling myself as a...
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am planning on obtaining my PE license as soon as possible. One problem that I do have is finding companies to apply for. My research keeps popping up the same companies over and over again. I cant help but feel as if I'm passing up a lot of opportunities...
Hello everyone, just discovered this wonderful website. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of time here. I'm graduating this May with a BS in Arch and a BS in CE. I've done some research on this site and I haven't come across anyone else in my situation. I was curious on the masses...