We are providing automatic minimum flow recycle for pumps. The simple arrangement is to measure the total discharge flow and use it to control the recycle flow through a control valve located on recycle line.
The reason is that the control valve doen't know how much flow to recycle. An...
We have been using steam to heat the well fluid and water using plate exchangers. The duty is controlled by throttling the steam pressure at inlet to exchangers. Due to gasket temperature limitations, the maximum steam side operating pressure is limited to slightly above atmospheric. During...
No reaction is expected to occur for my case. Its a good idea to analyse this on case by case basis.
When equipment/piping safety is considered, generally we donot rely on instrument system unless they are designed based on the availability requirement(eg HIPPS). Hence, I donot consider this...
The maximum design temperature for the flare system was estimated from the following criteria:
1. Normal operating temperature - Max 45 degC
2. Fire case (ESD system activated): Blowdown will limit the temp to within 100 degC.
3. Fire case (ESD system not activated): The test separator...
You may review the following features of design and see if it is applicable for your case:
1. Split the hot oil boiler feed to partly pass through the roiler and balance to bypass (cold).
2. Consider a series cum parallel arrangement of hot oil users such that the desired temperature...
I need to specify the maximum design temperature for flare system. The relieving cases includes an external fire case. During this scenario, the temperature inside the vessel (under fire) increases from 50 oC to start with and goes upto 350 0C,when final heaviers are left in the vessel. I would...
Thanks everyone for the responses. I am briefly attaching the response from Hysis:
"Because hydrate formation is such a complex phenomenon, we recommend that engineering judgment always be used in interpreting simulation results, and that if experimental data is available it also be used to...
Codes like API-520,521 says about PSV location and inlet line loss for vessels. What if the PSV is provided for derating the piping, when no vessel is there. How the following is taken care in design:
1. If PSV is located far-off from the derating point, is it possible to give the PSV set...
I think all is said on the original question, which is available in codes API-520,521.
I have another query. What if the PSV is provided for derating the piping, when no vessel is there. How the following is taken care in design:
1. If PSV is located far-off from the derating point, is it...
Generally, water pump should not have npsh problem as the vapour pressure is much below the operating pressure. You may try the following:
1. Check suction strainer blockage- clean and reinstall
2. Location of pump suction wrt tank inlet and layout of the suction line, vortex breaker(as...
Dear Nirav,
I think you are talking about the leak test, correct me if I am wrong. For leak tightness, its a usual practice to test with a gas, say nitrogen with available pressure to find major leakages. Once the hydrocarbon gas is available at operating pressure, the test is repeated to find...
If the flow is considered constant, a relation between pressure and velocity can be made for gas system. At higher pressure, the density reduces, thus decreasing the velocity and vice versa. A gas law can be used to deduce the relation.
I am looking at the hydrate study for hydrocarbon gas with little hc liquid and water. I would like to know the following:
1. Is hysis good at predicting hydrates? Suggest other softwares giving better results than hysys.
2. Sometimes hysis predicts 'icing takes place first' and says no hydrate...
I am looking for operating experience on sump caisson performance (offshore) designed to limit the oil carryover in water. Has anyone experienced appreciable oil carryover due to wave variations?
Appreciate your input.