Thanks John. That fixes the issue for me of having the options disappear, but is there a way to change the user preferences to make NX 8.5 behave like 7.5 with regards to the sketch constraints. I know that this is supposed to be progress and improvement, but for my job and the amount of...
My question about this is after you have selected two or more sketch items that you are trying to constrain is there a way to have the pop-up window with the constraint selection stay longer or stay after any mouse movement? It is infuriating me that if I move the mouse in the slightest the...
Thanks, I looked into both of those and neither open up a .3D part. I will just have to tell the boss that they need to send something that is typical.
I did find out though that Spinfire uses a proprietary file the (.3D) and that is why all these converters will not import them.
Thanks for...
I have seen this come up as an issue, but no real help on converting. I have received a (.3D) Spinfire file, I need it in an IGES, Step, parasolid, anything that I can open with NX6 or SolidWorks 2010. I have downloaded a trial spinfire and it will not export any useable file for those...