I recommend you to check out the following book:
"Mechanics of wood and wood composites"..
there are some tables that tabulated the issue.
hope that helps
Milad Mohamadzadeh
Wood Structural Engineer
I applied your tip in the model. But, after run nothing was changed. same warnings and same error message I get. Did you check out material property or interaction condition? Any other advice will be appriciated.
Milad Mohamadzadeh
Wood Structural Engineer
You mean I should add more steps for this purpose? How can I constrain screw? I thought defining interaction is enough for contact condition.
Milad Mohamadzadeh
Wood Structural Engineer
And another one.
Milad Mohamadzadeh
Wood Structural Engineer
And this is my mesh picture.
Milad Mohamadzadeh
Wood Structural Engineer
Tara, I removed the mesh but the size didn't change anymore! It only became 13Mbs. I uploaded it in another site. If you'll wait for seconds, you can download it easily and freely.
Thanks in Advance!
Milad Mohamadzadeh
Wood Structural Engineer
Hi akshay,
My problem is same with yours, but the joint is single. I tried to open your file with ABAQUS, but the format is inp instead of cae. Could you please explain how have you solved it? This is the link of my problem explanation:
shahangi aziz..
Considering your response, I don't think your problem is with defining plasticity, because your work is correct. I suppose problem is somewhere else. Did you define densities appropriate? Or did you follow ABAQUS unit direction? Maybe the punch property is not correct for...
Considering defining plasticity you should have experimental data. Specially for materials that don't have significant plasticity information in literatures. Regarding to this data you can specify yield stress and plastic strain from true stress and strain that the inversion formula exists...
Hi Rob,
Thank you for reply. I attached the .cae file.
Hope this help
Milad Mohamadzadeh
Wood Structural Engineer
Hi friends,
I’ve modeled a WPC composite joint that it made with screw for a static shear analysis. After more than one hour computational time the job became aborted with this error message;
*Time increment required is less than the minimum specified,*
And some other warning messages such...