I have found a suggestion to use the Local Radius Analysis command to replace the soon to be obsolete Geometric Properties command.
However when I try to use Local Radius Analysis I get a NX License Error.
Why would Siemens require additional licensing to use a command intended to replace a...
I have recently noticed an alarming occurrence while working in NX with the history rolled back.
For some unknown reason I have been loosing features further down the tree.
I am not certain what is the cause of this issue. However I have noticed it a couple of times recently.
There are no...
What happened to the option under the command "Edit Sheet Boundary" to remove trim?
I have recently transitioned to NX9.0 from NX8.0
Yet another new miserable experience...
Why can't I create an assembly constraint which references an existing datum point with NX-8.0?
If I select other types of points ie. end point, mid point, or circle center there is no issue.
However if I try to select an existing datum point NX displays a alert "The point references an invalid...