I am trying to capture the UG assembly with an exloded view and associated trace lines as a High Quality image in NX4.
While it generates the HQ image , It does not show the trace lines. Any quick tips.
I am trying to figure out a way to export all the dimensions in the UG drawing(not the model dimensions)to a csv/excel file for downstream activities like preparing the feature verification plan for Quality folks. I have quite a few drawings to be released and so you can understand the pain...
Looking forward to this new option in NX7.5 (when/if my company decides to upgrade to this version). but for now I guess I will have to live with it.
Thanks all!!
This may have come up in other threads, but i figured i ask anyways.
I have a completed UG model(NX4.0). To ensure that I have all my sketches constrained before i release the model in team center I would like to do a sanity check .Obviously I would have taken care of that(fully constraining all...
John, its the same case whether you select a sub assembly or an indivudual components, the first screen I get is the "options" tab. Well you can get to the "transform" tab with just one mouse click but I have to check for interference every time I reposition the component which can get very...
Hi All
I have an assembly that needs reposition of sub components and its quite an iterative process that cannot be done with UG constraints. So I have been using the reposition component tool for that. But everytime I open the reposition component dialog box, it goes to the "options" tab...