i have trimmed down the flow rate to designed spec and found that there is a KW drop, as well as a more rapid cooling effect to the chw system b/iue have a psi drop from the trimming but i slowly goes back up as i satisfy the air-handlers and shut off then allowing me to shut down addtional chw...
its a 30yr old design. so then the over flow really doesnt matter in it all?
i just have a problem in my head with running 5800gpm CHW threw a chiller designed for 3500gpm CHW. (2000T chiller)
maybe its just me?
the sysetem:
Primary loop; 5 chillers : 500T, 1000T, 2000T, 2500T, 3000T
none are Veriable speed; it's a Manually operated plant.
As a contracted comapany, we don't own anything just operate, that said we are paid by the ton and credit back KW used at EoM.
here is were things get tricky the...
I work in a energy plant that supplies a larger complex of building, and sence i have been here i have been in an on going arguement about CHW flow rate threw the chillers. I say that the designed flow rate would give the best performance and make the most money for our company by minimizing the...