I probably could use a macro, that is not a big problem, the main problem is that i need to place automatically a copy of the mass value to file properties - custom.Yes i could use pdf files of drawings and store tham into some document management program, but that is a nother separate program...
If i update the mass i need to automatically update his copy in file properties - custom.If it does not automatically and i have to run macro all time manually it is the same as i would copy from physical properties and paste it to file properties - custom...so there is no advantage, it's the...
I have tested your macro.I have noticed the following:
- in one ocasion gave error see attachment
- in the other occasions it always shows much higher value then real for example if in physical properties i have 50.245 kg in file properties will show around 105 kg almoust double..
- whenewer i...
After i run the macro when i have open a .psm file, on the custom tab it appears a field called MASS of number type but with value 0.Also at inspect- physical properties - mass the value changes to 0.Before i was running this macro i checked this value here and was different from 0.
I do not have programming experience, i do not know exactly what to do with this code...I will wait till next tuesday and i hope you will have time then to help me with this problem.
As you can see in attachement (pdmworks enterprise administrator guide) i need blockname and fieldname for mapping a field.
I do not know blockname for mass now, but if i can put to custom then the blockname will be...
I am implementing pdmworks enterprise pdm and i need to map mass field from solidedge to pdmworks.I can only map fields from file properties.If i can have the mass field value in the custom tab, i can transfer it automatically to pdmworks datacard... As you told me in pdmworks in mass field it...
Thanks for the answer but there is some problem with it...it doesn't work...or maybe i did something wrong..See picture attachedhttp://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=d0671979-a408-4d42-b7b1-8a728206a9d6&file=mass.jpg
For solidedge v.20 (for st3 is the same) how can you make a customization so that a copy of the mass field in a solidedge part file (.psm, .prt) found at inspect- physical properties – mass to be available automatically updated in file- file properties – custom in a custom field called mass?
For solidedge v.20 (for st3 is the same) how can you make a customization so that a copy of the mass field in a solidedge part file (.psm, .prt) found at inspect- physical properties – mass to be available automatically updated in file- file properties – custom in a custom field called mass?