This is where I dont really know what i am doing.. the create amplitude box displays lots of options (Tabular, Equally Spaced, Periodic, Modulated, Decay, Solution Dependent, Smooth Step, Actuator, User) and I dont know which one will best suit my problem, can you offer any more help?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows how yo access the Crash Test Dummy Add-on in Abaqus? as shown in this link... Thanks
Hi, I have had no joy with the manuals unfortunately, there is an extremely simplified model of the neck attatched. I wish either to apply an impact force of 10N to one of the sides of the Aluminium plate (with the base fixed), or to view how the neck moves when the base is oscillated at a low...
Hi, haven't had much luck with that simulation, another valuable simulation would be applying an impact load, any suggestions as to how I do this? It seems like quite a simple simulation but I am new to ABAQUS! Cheers
Hi, thanks for the help!
I have tried this before with no luck, as I get confused with what step i need and which type of amplitude to apply.
If I wished to oscillate the base back and forth through 750mm at varying speeds could you be more specific as to how I achieve this?
I am currently researching shaken baby syndrome at Cardiff University, I have a current model of a neck structure made of aluminium and rubber disks. I was wondering if there is a boundary or initial condition where I can simulate an oscillating base in order to view the range of motion...