I'm trying to model a portal structure using contact178 elements to stand on the ground. The most important modeling code is listed below:
ET,7,CONTA178 !3D node-to-node contact element met friction
!CONTA178 properties
KEYOPT,7,3,4 !Use weak spring that acts across an...
I'm having problems applying contact elements in Ansys 11. I try to model a crane on a (shaking) ground. I want to use contact elements (with friction) to model possible uplift of the crane legs.
Which elements are best to use in Anys 11? I tried to use Contact12, 52 and 178, but I do not...
Dear Josh,
Tnx for the fast reply. I also think (at this moment) the problem is the result data is not saved yet. Do you know how to do this with Ansys10?
Can I for example use a table to write it to, like,
*dim,results,table,1200,1 !create table 1200*1 named 'results'...
I'm performing a (seismic) analysis of a container crane. The loads are working, but now I'm trying to read the (time history) results. Using the time history post processor (/post26), I only can get the Nodal (Dof) solutions. I want to get Element solutions, e.g. VonMises stresses in...