I have a small 18"dia x 42"deep drilled sonotube pier being installed for a swing gate. Top of pier will be flush with grade. The gate will impart vertical axial load on the pier and a bending moment. No shear loads. IBC 2012 1807.3, equation 18-1, provides a depth calculation using lateral soil...
Hello. I've been using STAAD.Pro for only a few weeks now with the CONNECT edition. I have a simple structure which will be covered with canvas and it made up entirely of single angle sections. When I model the angles, I'm rotating the cross-sections 45deg in order for them to be aligned with...
I'm working on a job using BS 7159 code for the first time. I'm not sure how to set up the load cases in Caesar II. I believe the code states that only the operating load case needs to be satisfied, but that it should include wind as well. What about for checking the pressure or weight...
Thank you for your reply. Very well written and thought out. I very much appreciate it. It is pretty much along my line of thinking as well. I haven't been able to get back to that system and run the analysis to see whether or not one expansion joint will be enough to rectify the nozzle...
Line size is 30", 15psig & 160F. Line routing travels down out of a flat bottom tank and bends 90deg to pump suction. Line size reduces to 18" prior to pump nozzle. There is plenty of space for an expansion joint in either the horizontal or vertical portion of the line. It just depends which...
To relieve nozzle loads due to thermal expansion of my piping system. I'm doing stress analysis. The system is low pressure and fairly low temperature (<200F) with brine service.
Thank you btrueblood for the response. This was the type of information I was looking for.
Good morning.
I haven't had much luck recently in finding information on when to use rubber expansion joints and when to use metal. My expansion joint experience is limited. If either can be used, what information is critical to choose which to use? How do they differ?
Is there a rule of thumb for choosing a design temperature when only an operating temperature is provided for analysis? On my current project, both design and operating pressure have been chosen, but only the operating temperature.
I remember hearing some years back about simply adding...
Thanks to everyone for the responses. I registered and signed up for the SOPE and have been studying almost every day. This is indeed the best time to study, during my wifes second trimester. All she wants to do each evening is relax and watch TV. I'm not missing that much after all :)
I signed up for the April exam and the School of PE course. Other than the reference manual by Lindhberg, will I need to bring copies of the code with me? I've read some posts from people who said all they needed was the reference manual, but I'm skeptical.
Hello all,
My company wants me to get my PE, as do I. I work full time and have a pregnant wife at home (2 months so far!:D). I want to take the exam in April but am afraid I won't have enough time to get prepared if I start studying next week. My wife is due in August so those last few months...
My company is currently stress analysing a series of 36" vent/releif lines. The main relief line has a 36" rupture disc and also a 10" connecting branch line with a PRV. The design pressure for the line is 150 psig. Doing a simple thrust force calculation of F=P*A results in a very high...
I had this same type of inquiry from a client last year. See the link below. It might not help you directly, but it might jog your brain into a new idea of path or discovery. I was never able to find anything on the stresses that develop when a line is bowed. When a straight pipe at any...
Thank you for the replies.
Dave, Caesar II automatically applies higher allowable stress for occasional load cases. I verified this in the model after reading your comment. Thank you.
The line already has snubbers in place. But from my understanding of snubbers (limited as I've only recently...
I'm currently doing stress analysis in Caesar II on an existing 8" SS line with a design temperature of 1400F. The client would like to know if the line is overstressed and potentially replace it if so. Since this is an existing line, the analysis uses all of the existing springs and...
Thanks for all of the suggestions. I thought I had it set that any comments would be emailed to me which is why I haven't responded until now.
Pennpiper, you are correct in that there should be bends to allow for thermal expansion. The client decided they'd like to have straight runs of pipe...
Hello all,
First time poster with a stress analysis inquiry.
My company is working on analyzing a 4" line @ 150° in a tank farm. The line runs through berms and spans approx. 200' in between each set. The client does not want any loops in the pipe between the berms and would like to know the...