helpful comments, what do you guys think about line-to-line-to-ground faults. I read that's the current one needs to consider while doing the GPR calcs for ungrounded systems?
I see, that sounds like a good design (floating wye, delta) if you are concerned about GPR? near zero current through the ground won't affect the GPR or GPR calculations is a different story?
Okay, but, what if on the floating wye side phase conductor touches the enclosure or equipment ground, will that cause primary phase current to flow into the secondary side as a source current? or you are saying zero ground fault on the wye side regardless?
Assuming that i have a 1000kva transformer with 33kV D: 300V floating wye:
In a case of a ground fault on the secondary side, will primary delta side contribute to the total fault current on secondary?
So we had to install two transformers to stepup/stepdown the voltage due to long distance from solar field to interconnection point.
They are 480V Y, 12KV delta & 12KV delta, 480V Y transformers while interconnection is at 480V.
The question is what happens when there is a fault on the delta...
Does anyone know if following is true or there is a code on NEC regarding this?
"In systems covered by the NEC, ac power cannot be pulled directly from the inverter output, and a different circuit must be used." from following article...
I am wondering if it matters to order a transformer with six bushings(two sets of HV bushing) or three bushings with feed-thru inserts. I have always ordered transformers with six HV bushings and then connected one set to radial feeder and the other set to surge arrester or continued the...
Can anyone help me with the concept of Low Voltage Ride Through?
My understanding is that in solar farms we do not want to trip the system when a transient fault happens on the line but I am not sure how this is accomplished(probably via protection settings) and how it affects inverters?