In my situation, the faces/surfaces are only cylindrical. Always. But one face's curvature (from vEval(9) or vEval(10)), who's normal points TOWARD the origin axis of that cylinder, is positive - and one face's curvature(from vEval(9) or vEval(10)), who's normal points AWAY from the origin axis...
"...A positive curvature by convention implies a centre of curvature on the side pointed away from by the surface normal (convex)..." - what does that mean in terms of this method...
@ Snowcrash,
That has nothing to do with the thread topic or my original question. I didn't mention my lack of knowledge in sealing solutions or O-ring groove design because it is entirely irrelevant. If you are unfamiliar with SW API, don't bother. Please read the entire thread before you...
The groove is cut into a cylinder for the oring (male or female side) or for simplification, any cylindrical surface should work.
don't know how to recognize if inside or outside
Yes, its possible to do it that way, but I'd rather not try to reference adjacent faces and edges due to fillets or chamfers that may exist on seating face and open edge... if I can't come up with anything easier I may have to resort to that, thanks.
Hey Forum,
I'm designing a macro that automatically creates and adds a custom length o-ring to an assembly based on the cylindrical groove surface diameter. My problem is if its an inside groove, the OD of the oring must be the diameter, or if its an outside groove, the ID of the oring must be...
Wondering if there is way to get the coordinates of circular edge of a model inside an assembly? See attached picture for more details. SolidWorks obviously can... any help?
in my case, those faces are not accessible in all situations (fillet or chamfer before adjacent faces). This is for a macro and although is possible, the amount of coding to acquire the faces, create planes, etc.. is far more work. I will use your sketch geometry idea instead...
Your second choice is what I'm looking for, I want a "mid-plane" between the two edges, but reference planes from edge references only include coincident... see photo attached
Hey forum,
I've been on here for almost a week, and I can't explain how grateful I am for all your input.
I have another question about SW API. If you have a selected component, is there a way to check if any of its planes are parallel with any of the assembly planes? I know how to select...
I don't need or want a userform.
Sub main()
Dim Question as Long
Question = msgbox("Does this come up first?", vbYesNo)
If Question = vbYes Then
msgbox "You obviously don't need to do this.", vbOkayOnly
msgbox "More help is needed.", vbOkayOnly
End if
End Sub
I'm sure this topic has been covered, but I've had no luck finding related threads. Most of my macro prompts get lost in the background of Windows 7 and I have to hit Alt-Tab to switch it over and it is starting to get a bit annoying. Is there any easy way to set them to come up in the...
After a little trial and error...
' Preconditions:
' (1) Assembly document (ASSYNAME) is open and has one or more components (PARTNAME)
' (2) One part has a defined edge entity (ENTNAME)
' Postconditions: Defined...
Thanks for the input, I'm on the right track. I now have a pointer to the body that the edge exists on. I can't seem to understand how to implement the GetEdges() method but the GetEdgeCount() works and returns a value...