To RMW: ?THERE ARE 2 stroke diesels with exhaust ports & Intake valves? In my searching (admittedly biased toward Google images) its always the opposite. If "my" arrangement is valid and in use, do you know of any brands/models you could name for me?
Two-Stroke diesels typically have exhaust valves, using their pistons to uncover intake ports. Why not reverse that, with exhaust ports and intake valves?
In the standard design, doesn’t the exhaust valve have to open too early in the power stroke, before the gas is fully expanded, to let the...
I'm making a centrifuge, bolted to a concrete floor in a large room, that can swing a 200-lb load on a 6-ft arm at 90RPM (16g). I need to catch the load if it flies off. I think I want a 20'Dia ring of heavy-gage chain-link fence wrapped around 12 or more poles, each with a concrete base, but...