Thank you all for your posts.
I didn't specify the expected strength of the material. The material has very small cement content and the final strength is close to 250 kPa at 28 days.
The specifications request a triaxial test, but it doesn't mention the type of triaxial to be used. The...
I want to know which type of triaxial is able to withstand the highest strain in a specimen. The specimen is a mix of water, cement and bentonite.
The spec states Strain greater than 6% without cracking, obtained in a triaxial cell at 28 days under a confining pressure of 100 kPa at a...
I have these results shown below of three different soils,
Soil 1 -> LL = 44 / PL = 18
Soil 2 -> LL = 56 / PL = 22
Soil 3 -> LL = 96 / PL = 24
Is the shear strength the same for all three soils at their respective liquid limit value?