while working on Stability of embankment
i need to check the global stability of the same,First of all to select an appropriate grid above the structure to draw the slip circles in any slope stability software.
my query is How can i choose the points for the near perfect grid? Any guidelines...
BigH and fattdad
Thanks for d valuable inputs
Global Stability is important
The answer is yes,It's the priority i feel too
the working platform is wet,the foundation failure will takes place due to the super imposed load here the external stability along with global going to be critical
Thanks BigH for response,
leveling pad is going to permanent
Mostly of soft clay material exist.Typical soft clay properties can be considered.
can anyone help me on the maximum size of particle allowable in the Reinforced/backfill and the gradation specifications
We have designed a 5 mt Reinforced soil wall wall on a soft foundation during construction of leveling pad due to groundwater fluctuation water level raised much above ground level and diffcult to work with.
SBC of soil we require is 19 t/m2 (190kPa).The soil strata consists of Clay over 6m...