You can try CES. Cambridge engineers selector software. I looked at that and for a high modulus carbon fibre (diameter=5micrometer) I found:
E 370-390 GPa
Compressive strength 2.2e3-5.2e3 MPa
Nice! That's a great video. Thanks,however, It focuses on the failure simulation using MSC software not LS-Dyna and nothing about mesh sensitivity.
Still looking for more information on mesh sensitivity in cracked models.
I have not heard of H elements in LS-DYNA, Do you mean h adaptive solution method? I know solidworks simulation part has that possibility to automatically change the mesh size, but there is no similar option in LSDYNA as far as I know.
How to do mesh sensitivity study on models with crack?
I am modeling a cracked sample,it is a rectangle with a crack starting in one side and extending to the center point of the rectangle plate. The plate is fixed at one side and stretched at the other side. The crack experinces opening mode I...
at vpl: thanks for the instruction.
at Cockroach: Thanks, but I don't agree with you. Because with a roller slider we let the model to slide in that surface(the surface perpendicular to the roller/slider).
I found how to to use appropriate BC for tensile testing. I think using roller/slider...
For running a load-unload simulation of a plastic material.Is nonlinear study the right one? I used displacement control and ran a model using this study I gave my sample 2.5% strain and then I set this strain go from 2.5% to zero, and I had an error indicating:Solution failure in a step>1, it...
How can I make sure that few constraints and element is due to my limited version? If I go for another version of Solidworks, can I define plane stress element and fix nodes in certain direction and rotation? Or I should go for another FE software like ANSYS?
Sorry for silly question, but in cosmos we have either fixed geometry(6DOF) of roller slider(fixed in one direction, say fixed in x direction and it can move in yz plane). I don't see any option to put limit on rotations! Could you tell me how I can do this on nodes?
It is academic research,
1.Failure message is just "solver failed", I think it is because there is very small displacement(maybe due to rounding errors?)in the transverse direction and as there is no constraint in that direction, nothing stops plate from displacing in the transverse...
I wanted to model tensile testing of a steel plate(100mm*15*2mm, plane stress condition)using COSMOS/Solidworks. I have two questions. Could you help me?
1.when I use roller/slider to fix the base of the plate and I set 1mm displacement at the other end, solver fails. So I use fixed...