I was wondering if it is possible to have the NX Journal "selection mask array" filter by color. Or is there another function that is needed to perform the color filter in the code.
This is the selection mask portion of my code:
Dim selectionMask_array(1) As Selection.MaskTriple...
I was wondering how to have the NX Journal selection mask array select all curves including lines and splines. So far If I use
.Type = UFConstants.UF_line_type
.Type = UFConstants.UF_spline_type
I can filter for either a line or a spline. But I would like to filter for all curves...
Hi Frank,
When I click and drag to select the sets of splines within my journal. The resulting selected lines objects in the array seem to be in random order, I tried arranging by tag, but the tag number is sometimes lower for splines created after. Line ID seems more in line with the order...
Hi Frank,
Sorry, yes I understand the problem now.
How about Splines and Lines is it possible to output the ID number using a Journal. My goal is to put either Lines or Splines automatically created from a Journal in ascending ID order when selected, so that I can know which line/spline I'm...
Hi Cowski,
My goal is that after running this portion of the code:
'' The selectFaces method takes an NXobject array by reference
Dim selectedObjectsArray() As NXObject
'' Need to recast the face NXObjects to Displayable objects...
Thanks Mark for the reply. I'm still a beginner when it comes to NX Visual Basic Journals. Could you give me an example on how to use <feat_obj>.GetFeatureName().
When you use the feature Information->Object-> and you select a point you're able to see the reference name for the point, i.e. Point(1) or Point (2) depending on when it was created. Is there a way to retrieve this property in a Journal.
I'm using the code below to select and change the color of a face that I created using the "Ruled" feature. I was wondering if it's possible to obtain the "RULED(545)" name from using a function such as object.tag, but 'tag' only returns the tag number not the RULED number.
This is the coded...