Hi All,
Any one have the erection manual for KA26 gas turbine single shaft
or procedure for aligning the single shaft gas turbines
Thank you in advance
In this case, buttering can be done on P91 Pipe by using SA335Gr.P11 & P22 Electrodes and conduct PWHT at 760 Deg on Buttering surface.
Then follow the procedure for SA335GR.P11/P22 material welding.
For Stainless steel Welding,Use ENicrFe-3 and conduct PWHT as per P91 Materials.
During testing the pipelines and boilers.., we have to Fix the pressure gauges at Lower point and at Higher point as per the codes.
Now the question is, why there is an pressure difference between the lower point(0Mtr) and Higher point(50Mtr)
For example the pressure at...
Hi Guys,
Can you please explain, why there is an pressure difference at elevated points(higher elevation) during testing the pipes or boiler. As per the code, for 10M height 1bar pressure will increase.., According to my view on the pump end (lower point) must have high pressure.