After constructing a Calomel Reference Electrode, using; Hg + Hg2Cl2, few issues;
1. Negative PD (~ -0.2 V)
2. PD keep dropping and eventually drops to zero (within 24 hrs)
The standard reduction potential of calomel electrode is supposed to be +0.243V.
any thoughts?
@ patprimmer - That is my main issue as well; I don't know what PharMed tubing is made of exactly.
@ MintJulep - The silicone bits are being molded, and we have purchased the molding tool and everything. So changing that might be a long shot.
I will look into Ergo 5861.
I am trying to find a glue that would work well with Pharmed tubing.
Specifically to glue Pharmed tubing to a Silicon stopper.
I have tried Loctite and silicone glue. They do the job, but only to an extent. Pharmed is extremely chemical resistive, and seems to not bond with the glue.
A product that we make is currently using '3105-H14 Aluminum' plate for shielding. The vendor wants to change it to '3003 aluminum'. Is there any properties that I should be worried about as far as shielding goes.
Also in both cases the Aluminum sheet will be Electroless Nickel Plated.