I did try a few times and it worked in the current model only. When I retreave another instanse (assembly) ProE updates session ID's of components, members of the assembly I have placed relation only. All subassembly components remain with session ID's not updated.
I will appreciate any help!
I want to customize BOM to get surface area of all parts in an assembly. I defined a user parameter "area" and wanted to add a relation area=mp_surf_area("my_assembly:my_part")
but I am getting an error.
I will appreciate your help.
I want to drive by relation a dimension of a subassembly using a dimension of the main assembly. The "Show Relations"
window shows the desired value, but the value in my model gets its generic one.
Can anyone help?
I set relations to my generic asembly. I want to use the
same relations in an instance asembly, but I am getting same values.
Can anyone help?