Are you suggesting beam A and beam B carry the load equally?
Now what if the distance from beam A to beam B is 10 m while the distance of cog from beam A remains as it is, 2m.
Some clarifications...
Beam A is infinitely rigid with the mass pin joined at the base to beam A.
Beam B is also infinitely rigid and pin jointed to the mass.
I'm interested in a simplified approach to estimate the normal force (-axis) or bending moment.
If beam B is infinitely rigid and connected to the mass, beam B would see a force that would buckle it.
I'm interested in the y-axis element of the force on beam B. (image updated)Ignore pencil sketch on sheet...
Sketch orientation updated.
When cog is align with beam A, the mass is balanced and cannot topple. When cog is misaligned, the mass is more inclined to topple to the right (CW). Beam B acts as a support beam.
For e.g. if beam B is not strong enough, it may buckle under load generated by...
A perfectly balanced mass on beam A has it's centre of gravity shifted by the slight misalignment of beam A.
How do you calculate the bending moment on beam B generated by the CoG?
I'm not sure if there is any more information that needs providing to solve this problem but this is all I have...
Thanks for your response.
I'm trying to estimate the pressure in the cavity, i.e. P2. I know the areas, A1 which in practicality is an annulus and A2 which is a 600m pipe with i/d 8mm.
I would like to initially understand how to calculate the pressure drop across the annulus.
At the moment I'm...
Ok, problem has been solved.
One last error occurs when running the solution..
I've adjusted some of the parameters but nothing seems to work.
I allocated 2048 mb using the exaple you gave but got the same output. I then allocated 1024 mb, and generated an op2 file (1kb)....f06 file has 2 error codes which I'm working on.
I've inputted the "PARAM MEM 2048" into the parameters to fix the issue but the solver returned an error in the log file. f04 & f06 files were produced but were empty.
Any help would be much appreciated as I'm a new user of MSC NASTRAN
The following is the .dat file...
Thank you for your quick response Blas
The only output files the NASTRAN solver generates are .f04, .f06, & .log file.
the first two are empty. The log file doesn't seem to indicate any errors. I've tried configuring the BAILOUT & POST parameters in the .dat file to get successful results but...
Hello there,
I'm trying to carry out a NASTRAN Nonlinear static thermal analysis in a Virtual Lab interface.
I've created my geometry, defined my materials & properties, & applied my loads (Nodal flux to one surface). The analysis case was extracted to a .dat file to be inputted into NASTRAN...
Hi Every body,
I'm having a slight problem opening & getting started with my analysis in ANSYS Workbench v11. Whenever I start it, I do not get the right prompt, i.e the prompt shown in the picture attached. I can only open a new project. I'm pretty sure, it's not a licensing issue as i had the...