thanks itsmoked i get it now. the fish scale will tell me the amount of torque i need and the speed at which i pull it is how fast it will need to move.
this will sure beat just guessing at a motor and not getting the right one.
and thanks for the info on the battery Amps/hour too.
they may not be the right motor for the project. that is only what i had found searching the internet. maybe yall have a better idea or better motor i could use. like i said thanks for all the help and ideas on this project.
ok maybe this will help clear the air. I am a duck hunter at heart and i am trying to make a swimming decoy system that will pull decoys in the water. kind of like something in the link below but on a much larger scale. but this may give you more of an idea of what the project is like.
so as...
Ok I am new here, but I have come to the experts to find the answers I need. I am planning on using a 1.2 hp geared 12 volt elec motor. It turns at 40 rpm and has 836 in.-lbs of torque. which is roughly 70 ft-lbs of torque. it uses 33amps.(not sure about if this is under a load or if it even...