An update on the liquid ring pumps if anyone is interested.
Pump 2 froze up several weeks ago and the powers that be decided to rent a Busch just like ports suggested.
Last I heard they were getting bids on replacing all three pumps with Busch pumps.
Thanks for the link bimr. It confirms my suspicions in a language I don't uderstand!
The bottom line is that the devices tested did not work as advertised. I'll forward the link to our CE. Hopefully this will lead to us installing a real water softener, filters and a pressure regulator...
That was my initial thought on the Descalamatic. There is no substitute for soft water. I had customers use other types of magnets on their dish washing machines and they never worked.
I thought this might be different.
I work in a hospital and we are having problems with our medical vacuum system.
The system is made up of three Beacon MedAes Camel (camel back?) units with Nash liquid ring vacuum pumps.
My first question is about the water supply. We are using unsoftened city water and in a short period of...