Thanks for answer, you realy help me :)
I checked and:
{log (True) strain, Cauchy stress} - This is the default choice if you select large strains
(PARAM,LGSTRN,1) in your model.
This is the STRMEAS=1 option in the NCLNTG bulk entry
there was the options in sol 601:
- convert dependency to true stress,
- allow emelment rupture.
Is there something similar in sol 401 402? Do i need this options?
In my job i want to calculate how much force i need to bend a rod (look at attachment). I do it with sol 402. I use...
Thanks for answers. I made the tests and it work corectly when i use Rigid Element Method: LINEAR.
When i use Rigid Element Method: Nonlin, it work like full rigid (TX TY TZ RX RY RZ)
I have a problem:
I made beam model. ( i use only a beam elements)
I would made a rigid element between elements on beams.
In rigid options i check only TY.
I used sol 401.
It looks like it is "Full" rigid (TX TY TZ RX RY RZ).
If I uncheck everything it still work like "full" rigid :(
Hi Everyone!
I have question:
Whitch analises works with the Beam/Plate/Solid elements with the nonlinear material (bilinear material)???
I made tests and i see it looks like in tabele below:
Sol 106 + bilinear material + beam ----- it doesn't work
Sol 106 +...
Thanks for your answer :)
i have done like that:
1. I made two function: vs. time function with sin(360*!x) and with cos(360*!x).
2. I made two load -> displacement, first x direction (time/freq dependence function with sin()), second y direction
(time/freq dependence function with cos())
i can make move x,y,z direction in rectangular cordinate system. But how to make 1/4 circle move? I try change cordinate system to cylindrical/spherical but it works like in recatangular.
jbrackin you have right :D:D:D
i increase increase the max number of iterations to 50.
Now upper die move up.
Now i wanna observate if material move back. Material = element between press die.
BIG THX jbrackin :D
lots of time and still nothing...
i tried modify "..vs time" it means:
time 0 displacement 0
time 0,5 displacement 1
time 1 displacement 0
in other words i make "move forward" and "move back"
but program finish analize when "time 0,5 displacement 1" element doesn't move back.
i don't have any...
I made model with contact. When i'm starting analize then appear message: all faces must have the same ID.
I must make lot of conection regions.
My model is made from 2 solids.
First one: plate
Second one: pillars
force is connected to plate is based on pillars
something like...
then 9 times click "next"
window: "nastran output request"
section: "elemental" checked:
+force 0. .Full model
+stress 0. .Full model
+strain 0. .Full model
i have big bath, inside is fluid. This bath is supported by steel construction. Between bath and construction i...