Is it possible to use Check-Mate to verify if two or several holes have aligned center lines? Possibly by finding all center lines with endpoints within a given range and checking in these center lines are aligned? I realize there is no OOTB check for this, but are there functions that would...
Thank you Tomas.
I see what you mean. However the best thing for me was if i could somehow edit/create a custom checker that always chooses only some specific features from a part, based on the features names for example.
Hello fellow engineers!
Is it possible to create checks in check-mate/knowledge fusion that only perform checks of certain components of an assembly? For example if I have an assembly consisting of 3 parts that follow the following naming pattern: Plate, strut and pin. Would it then be possible...
I am trying to create a master-profile in checkmate that is supposed to check if the file that is beeing checked is for example a part/drawing/assembly. After checking for filetype i want to master-profile to execute a sub-profile depending on filetype, but i can not get this to work...