Thanks guys, much appreciated. I don't suppose there is an example any of you could draw on that I could use for my technical question in my examination?
The system I am working on will be 11 KV delta config on a TNS system if that helps?
Thanks again.
Hi everyone,
I'm a mechanically trained engineer but im currently training to be an electrical Authorised Person for HV and LV systems. Im looking at cable spiking at the moment. What kind of ohmic values would I be looking for before and after a cable is spiked on both LV and HV??? And also...
Hi guys,
Could someone give me a brief explanation of how to wire the above 3 phase motor? I have six wires (V1, V2, U1, U2, W1, W2) and im a bit confused.
Can anyone help me calculate the spare capacity in a street lighting circuit?
Im looking to add additional lighting to an existing circuit but unsure how and what calculations and info I need.
Also, what power does the average street lamp draw?
Hi again guys,
Thanks a lot for the info but im still a bit confused.
Is there an equasion that I can use for the info you have all given me?
Hi guys,
im trying to work out the thermal input for a large diesel generator. It produces 4.16kV and 1.7MW power so quite big engines.
Read about some things on internet but its mostly about welding inputs.
Any help would be appreciated.