Hi Jerry
I have an aditional question regarding this. What is the size of modelspace in NX. I mean, what is the maximum size of Model I can Import to NX(through Stp, IGES or Paarasolid)
Hi John
Thanks for your quick response. I am completely agree with your suggestion of using the English Capital Letters. But some places I use it as Symbols. (To reduce confusion between two). Where can I find all the special characters of NX?
Thanks in Advance
I am trying to put Roman Numerals in NX Drafting Note. But not able to do so. I don't want to write (I II) directly. I want some format or some key word to create Roman Numerals. (i.e.-- If you press Alt+208 you will find this symbol (╨).
Thanks in Advance
Extremely sorry for the last Post.
Command dialog boxes that have a preview have the auto complete capability. This capability is activated after you make the minimum required input for a command to display a preview. You can then start another command without clicking OK or Apply in the current...
Extremely sorry for the last Post.
Command dialog boxes that have a preview have the auto complete capability. This capability is activated after you make the minimum required input for a command to display a preview. You can then start another command without clicking OK or Apply in the current...
HEy Hold on Guys.. The discussion is about Auto advance option. Wright. The answer is,As per NX documentation, There is no setting for Auto Complete. This option works only when there is one option to select. Some one can file an er
I think there is some error in format. Cog' I have tested this in NX 8.0. It works Fine. Please follow the below format to get the result.
Drawing Sheet Attributes <W@$ attr_title>
<W@$SH_SHEET_NUMBER> Sheet number of the current sheet
<W@$SH_NUMBER_OF_SHEETS> Number of sheets in the...
You can Create virtual memory in your secondary drives. Which may help you to increase the speed. Please specify the System Configuration with Graphics card details.
Hi John
That's right and best procedure. But user don't need to repeat it to get the right result. After performing the operation suggested by John, User can go for move component to get exactly.
Procedure: NX Drafting--Edit--component--Move Component--select the broken line area and move to...
I Agree with "Daluigi" to create in NX Drafting. But in case where Model is made by one user and Drafting is done by another user. I will suggest create in part level. So that you will not have confusion in Assembly. But there are some final welds which is done at assembly are bound to do in...