Yessum, dog beach in La Jolla.
Wait those two cylinders are air cylinders? They aren't marked so I assumed hydraulic.
The title of the auction was roller coating machine
That totally makes sense, thanks Mike. The place I picked it up from I also bought a pneumatic 2 ton arbor press w foot pedal that looks like it was used to press bearings. Would that help narrow down what it might have been used for?
I love reverse history searches on weird things. This...
Hi Again-
The part I was referring to is in the attached pic. It is the fitting approx 1/3 of the way up both sides of the aluminum stand.
Says REX and a long #. I also updated the picasa link with about 10 other pics that are clearer.
Why did I buy it? Hmmmmmm. A question I get asked quite...
Sorry, I thought I posted a reply last night but I must not have finished it tho.
Gerhardl- Wow, that is awesome. Thank you so much for such a detailed process. It must have taken you some time to evaluate it and I really appreciate the help.
There are two sides to that machine and I haven't...
Any other ideas? I did have to replace the flux capacitor if that helps at all...
Hi I picked this up at an auction. I am not qualified to say what it does and even my speculation will sound a bit, well speculative so I thought maybe I would ask someone who might.
Here's some facts about it..
Built like a press but out of aluminum.
Has Versa Hydraulic Valve with Ashcroft...