I was hoping someone could give me a reasonable estimate for a PF to use with commercial RTUs (ranging from 5-40 tons.)
I feel as though I've read somewhere that 0.85 is a legitimate PF to use when running equations. Is this conservative? Is this liberal? Is it fair?
Thanks all
Chicopee, thanks for your input.
Not to sound blunt, but could the PF be calculated from the information given in my previous attachment? As far as I know, PF = real power / apparent power
Thanks for the response. I have attached an example nameplate.
From the data on the nameplate--and the equations I listed above--I have calculated a total of 21.0 kW for the two compressors, two outdoor fans, the supply fan, and the combustion air blower. It is a 15-ton unit. The...
Hi folks,
I was hoping someone could help me a little. Namely, what considerations should be made when calculating the kW total of a rooftop unit? I have been using the following equation: I*V*1.73/1000=kW
I have been using that formula for the compressor(s) and each fan. If a fan HP is known...