I am working on a pipe.
The 2D points chart starts with point1, at: 0,0,0.
But in 3D, point 1 has a different value (please, see the picture on the right).
Is there any particular way of calculation of the point chart in this case?
Yes, the previous designer used an Axis System, placed on the given values of the point shown on the right picture.
However, using that Axis as reference, the values in the left Chart are a lot different.
CAD2015; to orient the pipe to match the point coordinates, you will have to do the Point-Point transformation 3 times. You can use any 3 points in the chart, but I suggest spreading them out for the most accuracy and using points #1, #4 and #7.
The chart coordinates have been rounded off, so let us know if that causes problems for you.
in drafting you can use the Coordinate table and give the Axis system you want as reference for the XYZ values.
if you don't use any you will get part coordinate system, if you use the axis used by the previous designer you should get the same values.
if you want to rebuild the axis used for the table please follow the steps:
create lineZ point1 point4
create planeXY normal to lineZ at point1
create projectP4 of point4 on planeXY
centered on point1 on planeXY, create circle1 radius = point4.X
centered on projectP4 on planexy create circle2 radius = point4.Y
create circle intersections i1,i2
create axis origine on point1
Z direction define by point4 (check invert as point4.Z <0 )
now you have to define X direction by selecting i1
check point coord in new axissystem, if not good, define X direction selecting i2
have fun
Eric N. indocti discant et ament meminisse periti