- Sep 8, 2006
- 16
Let me start by introducing myself. I have worked as an elecrician for the last 17 years, primarily in industrial maintenance. Last year I moved more into a managment role and have started working on my EE.
Now for the nightmare. I have a motor that my electricians have managed to burn up three times in the last week. I'm pulling my hair out. This motor is an SEW gear drive motor, 4.5/5.0 hp. 1750/3600 rpm. It has six post to connect wires to and they are labeled U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2. There is also a 480v brake. This motor moves a pallet lift up and down and utilizes both speeds. It is controled by a very old S5 plc. So old that you cannot go online with it to trouble shoot (It needs a ram chip to replace the eprom to do so) The machine has no home run program and about a year ago I put in a push button station to manually fire the contactors to get parts of the machine back to basic position. this particular motor utilizes 6 contactors. A lift contactor, a lower contactor, a fast contactor, a short contactor that shorts U1,V1,W1 when the fast contactor is energized, a slow contactor that puts voltage to U1,V1,W1 and finally a brake contactor that releases the brake.
Combinations to run the motor are as follows, (Lift, slow, brake; lift, fast, short, brake
exchange lower for lift in the above two for lowering the pallet.
I've set here and looked at the drawing, It appears to me that there are a couple of combinations that could cause the motor to burn up. If the slow contactor sticks or shorts across a contact while the motor is in fast operation it would introduce 480 into the windings that should be shorted. The next idea I have is that mabe the short contactor has a bad contact in it and one of the legs is not getting connected durring the fast run cycle.
I was told tonight that the motor ran fine on the slow setting using my push button controls. It was only when they switched the machine into auto did it fry itself.
Do you see any other ways this motor could self destruct?
Now for the nightmare. I have a motor that my electricians have managed to burn up three times in the last week. I'm pulling my hair out. This motor is an SEW gear drive motor, 4.5/5.0 hp. 1750/3600 rpm. It has six post to connect wires to and they are labeled U1, V1, W1, U2, V2, W2. There is also a 480v brake. This motor moves a pallet lift up and down and utilizes both speeds. It is controled by a very old S5 plc. So old that you cannot go online with it to trouble shoot (It needs a ram chip to replace the eprom to do so) The machine has no home run program and about a year ago I put in a push button station to manually fire the contactors to get parts of the machine back to basic position. this particular motor utilizes 6 contactors. A lift contactor, a lower contactor, a fast contactor, a short contactor that shorts U1,V1,W1 when the fast contactor is energized, a slow contactor that puts voltage to U1,V1,W1 and finally a brake contactor that releases the brake.
Combinations to run the motor are as follows, (Lift, slow, brake; lift, fast, short, brake
I've set here and looked at the drawing, It appears to me that there are a couple of combinations that could cause the motor to burn up. If the slow contactor sticks or shorts across a contact while the motor is in fast operation it would introduce 480 into the windings that should be shorted. The next idea I have is that mabe the short contactor has a bad contact in it and one of the legs is not getting connected durring the fast run cycle.
I was told tonight that the motor ran fine on the slow setting using my push button controls. It was only when they switched the machine into auto did it fry itself.
Do you see any other ways this motor could self destruct?