A great civilian friend... "Dire Strate"... who is also a highly experienced fighter support engineer/tech with many months [years?] in combat theaters... sent me photos of a failed crane-lifting operation.
The goal was to lift the A-4 into position so it could be bolted to a pedestal mount. The jet had been freshly restored after it was damaged by heavy winds several years prior.
What actually occurred was a frightening and heart-breaking crane-lift operation that seriously damaged the aircraft; and could have injured, or killed, several people.
The photos, and our running commentary, are included in the attachment. Many lessons/points are obvious to seasoned crash recovery folks; and represent a learning opportunity for all.
Regards, Wil Taylor
Trust - But Verify!
We believe to be true what we prefer to be true.
For those who believe, no proof is required; for those who cannot believe, no proof is possible.
A great civilian friend... "Dire Strate"... who is also a highly experienced fighter support engineer/tech with many months [years?] in combat theaters... sent me photos of a failed crane-lifting operation.
The goal was to lift the A-4 into position so it could be bolted to a pedestal mount. The jet had been freshly restored after it was damaged by heavy winds several years prior.
What actually occurred was a frightening and heart-breaking crane-lift operation that seriously damaged the aircraft; and could have injured, or killed, several people.
The photos, and our running commentary, are included in the attachment. Many lessons/points are obvious to seasoned crash recovery folks; and represent a learning opportunity for all.
Regards, Wil Taylor
Trust - But Verify!
We believe to be true what we prefer to be true.
For those who believe, no proof is required; for those who cannot believe, no proof is possible.