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ABB - TX Book

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Aug 9, 2004
I am looking for a book formerly published by ABB. It was called "Testing of Power Transformers - ABB". If anyone has this book and find it useful, your comments will be appreciated. I haven't seen the book myself, but came across a reference about it on the internet. Where could I get an electronic copy if possible?

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At this point I'm not sure. The link in faq238-1287 for the ABB transformer books now ends at a "Transformer Home Page" from which I can't find any of the transformer books listed. If you find out, please post here so that I can update that link.
I have that book somewhere, just not in electronic format. You can get the NETA "Standard for electrical maintenance testing of liquid filled transformers" at
That NETA standard cover the what, but not really the how.
I believe ABB has published a new version of this book...

The way I got a copy... I put an RFQ into our local ABB distributor...just like any piece of equipment!

The latest ABB book on testing of transformers is " Testing of Power Transformers" -a 300 page book.This book is currently out of print and new edition is expected in June 2007. YOu can order it at the site of an excellent book on the subject.Digital copy is not available.
prc, can you provide a link for where that information can be found on the site?


Sometimes I only open my mouth to swap feet...
Don't hold your breath for June, I've been trying to get a copy since the middle of last year, and their website is continuously being updated when the "available date" comes and goes.

From reading a colleagues copy, it is a very good book, and obviously very popular also.

David, You can go to Products &services -ABB Product guide and then to TRansformers.At the moment this book is in out of print.When reday, they will take order at this part of site.
Edition 1 of "Testing of Power Transformers" is long out of print and unavailable in any format.

According to one of the authors the new edition of "Testing of Power Transformers" will not be issued before end of 2007! The reasons given for this tremendous delay are quite strange and cannot be explained logically.

Though edition 1 suffered from several definitely unnecessary imperfections, it was - and still is - highly recommendable because it was written by experienced engineers in close connection to the practical work in ABB's transformer test laboratories. In discussions with the main author some of the shortcomings could be eliminated and hopefully will not show up in edition 2.

I used to be a transformer test engineer myself in ABB for more than two decades. In 2005 I wrote a review on the recently released transformer test book - as I am German the review unfortunately is in German as well. If nevertheless somebody should be interested in this review I could send him the PDF document via email - though, as I am new to Eng-Tips, I don't know yet how to find out the email addresses of other members or how to tell my email address without making it completely public.

Peter, there is no acceptable way of directly sharing email addresses on this site. In general I find that to be quite nice as it hopefully helps keep the trolls away. Web site URLs are acceptable and there are several members who can be contacted via their web sites. It is also possible to have a message forwarded to any one who has written a FAQ by commenting on the FAQ; though abuse of that process can get one booted off the site. The FAQ comment process provides the FAQ author with the commentator's address but it is then entirely up to the author whether or not to respond.
Try this
While your there the Switchgear Manual is worth having.

This looks the Westinghouse book on the web

I don't hav emy Westinghouse Transformer book here but it does not seem as technical as these. It has instructions and drawings for the piping, air connection etc for filling and / or drying the oil in a transformer.
CDG16, David, Zogzog, Tulum, prc, Scotty, BJC,

Please forget about the links to ABB sites, the ABB book 'Testing of Power Transformers' is currently not available and therefore not offered - quite clearly ABB themselves have no idea when the new edition will be issued! And please forget about all the hints to other books possibly replacing this transformer testing handbook - to my knowledge there is no comparable book worldwide! If you are really interested in a comprehensive in-depth book on power transformer laboratory testing you have either to try to get a secondhand copy of the 1st edition of October 2003 or to wait for the 2nd edition, hopefully being issued end of 2007 / beginning of 2008 - and in my opinion it's worthwhile waiting for it.

It sounds ridiculous but I think that the reason for the otherwise inexplicable delay of meanwhile more than a year in issuing the new edition is just money - ABB try to save a few dollars or euros on a project they on the other hand want to use as an international advertising media for their expertise! Both the publisher of the 'old' edition and the publisher of the 'new' edition were or are no professional publishing companies but advertising agencies. The old publisher went bancrupt but perhaps still holds rights on the title of the book and suitably in the course of bancruptcy 'lost' part of the material needed for the new edition so that it had to be drawn up again, and the new publisher told me that information about the issuing date is strictly confidential! It's like on a bazar. The best guess is what one of the authors told me - "probably not before end of 2007". Just to mention it - the publishers were chosen by ABB, not by the authors.

As I can see from the thread there mainly seem to be only a vague idea of the contents of 'Testing of Power Transformers'. Perhaps a rough extract from my German review on the 1st edition of the book might help a bit, hopefully my English is understandable to some extent.

The four authors Åke Carlson, Jitka Fuhr, Gottfried Schemel and Franz Wegscheider are engineers and scientists having worked for ABB (and for BBC before) for a very long time with an accumulated experience of more than one hundred years. Beyond their general knowledge in electrical power engineering they all are specialists in the power transformer field and for this book they worked together with the personnel of several ABB transformer test laboratories. I know two of the authors personally, therefore I may have the one or the other piece of information that will not be found in the official advertisings.

The book is written in English and comprises all the standard and type tests on power transformers performed in transformer test laboratories, also some special tests are considered - unfortunately the items 'd.c. tests' on h.v. d.c. transformers, 'frequency response analysis' (FRA) and 'transfer function' (TF) are missing. The tests are dealt with in separate chapters, arranged in sub-chapters Standards (IEC and IEEE), Purpose of the test, Theoretical and physical basics, Test arrangement, Carrying out of the test, Interpretation of test results. The text is accompanied exhaustively by sketches, diagrams and tables. The transformer test handbook is a 'must have' for engineers in the fields marketing, design, calculation and testing of power transformers, as well as for test inspectors - beyond the direct usability of its contents it makes the communication concerning transformer test items between these different groups of engineers a lot easier. And even teaching and researching personnel e.g. at universities and people generally interested in transformer technology will profit from this wealth of information.

A major disadvantage of the 1st edition of the A4-sized book was the bad binding quality (a problem applying to most of the ABB publications) together with its really terrible highly impractical layout, that blew actual perhaps 200 pages up to 296 pages, making this book of valuable contents an unwieldy tome. This layout far from practical needs in kind of presentation papers was pushed through against the intention of the authors by some higher-ranked PowerPoint-spoiled would-be designers in ABB, who had no idea of the practical use of such a book. Perhaps only a cosmetic snag, but at some places even I as a German got the impression that ABB had saved another few bucks by doing without professional proofreading by native English speakers - a really good publicity for a global player! Though it does diminish the usability of the book in (nearly) no way, the handling of units by four experienced engineers is plainly embarrassing - a problem that unfortunately applies to many engineers.

The 2nd edition of the transformer test book, now probably titled 'Testing of Power Transformers and Shunt Reactors', if it ever should be issued, shall be realized in true book form and will have an improved layout, what consequentially will improve its manageability and clarity tremendously. A new chapter 'Tests on Shunt Reactors' will be added - therefore the extended title. And hopefully at least some of the mistakes concerning the use and writing of units will be corrected - regrettably the authors couldn't be convinced just to apply the rather simple rules and standards for use and writing/printing of quantities and units correctly. Chapters on frequency response analysis, transfer function and h.v. d.c. tests will still be missing.

Thank you for the update Peter. Your English is good and I followed your translation without difficulty.

What a mess ABB have created for themselves.

I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem...
Thanks Peter. Sounds like a great book. And somehow, the mysterious unavailabily of this bbok makes me want to get a copy even more [bluegreedy]

I guess I'll have to wait until 2008 or whenever this book pops up. I hope someone will post to bring this thread back to the top when the book is finally published.

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btw zogzog - it's, not

Eng-tips forums: The best place on the web for engineering discussions.
Ouch! $55 for harcopy and $110 for electronic version?
It used to be that the electronic versions were cheaper?!?

I have the NETA Maintenance Testing Specs. It's good to have something that you can pull out and point to a "limit" from a "standard" when it suits your purpose. But that NETA doc certainly doesn't have much in the way of theory or explanation surrounding the tests.

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