- Mar 11, 2008
- 7
I am seeking help using shear in web equation for calculating slenderness limit S2? it says h/t at intersection of Eq 3.4.24(2) and (3) in attached photo, I may have done something wrong however when solving the equation i got
(h/t)_intersection = -0.048467902247158*Bs^2/(Ds^2*(-0.00600421828991631*Bs^3/Ds^3 + (6.7762635780344e-21*Bs^6/Ds^6 - 0.0120084365798326*Bs^3*E*phi_v/(Ds^4*phi_vp) + E^2*phi_v^2/(Ds^2*phi_vp^2))^0.5 + E*phi_v/(Ds*phi_vp))^(1/3)) + 0.266666666666667*Bs/Ds - 1.46717946958971*(-0.00600421828991631*Bs^3/Ds^3 + (6.7762635780344e-21*Bs^6/Ds^6 - 0.0120084365798326*Bs^3*E*phi_v/(Ds^4*phi_vp) + E^2*phi_v^2/(Ds^2*phi_vp^2))^0.5 + E*phi_v/(Ds*phi_vp))^(1/3)
For E = 70000, phi_v = 0.8, phi_vp = 0.9, Dc = 0.49, Bc = 119.26, the bold part of equation turns into negative causing imaginary root. In my case actual h/t is only 14.33 and is well below S1 and doesn't govern though but still interested evaluating S2 being part of a spreadsheet, I am pretty sure simpler method should exist which I am not aware, sorry using this standard for first time.

(h/t)_intersection = -0.048467902247158*Bs^2/(Ds^2*(-0.00600421828991631*Bs^3/Ds^3 + (6.7762635780344e-21*Bs^6/Ds^6 - 0.0120084365798326*Bs^3*E*phi_v/(Ds^4*phi_vp) + E^2*phi_v^2/(Ds^2*phi_vp^2))^0.5 + E*phi_v/(Ds*phi_vp))^(1/3)) + 0.266666666666667*Bs/Ds - 1.46717946958971*(-0.00600421828991631*Bs^3/Ds^3 + (6.7762635780344e-21*Bs^6/Ds^6 - 0.0120084365798326*Bs^3*E*phi_v/(Ds^4*phi_vp) + E^2*phi_v^2/(Ds^2*phi_vp^2))^0.5 + E*phi_v/(Ds*phi_vp))^(1/3)
For E = 70000, phi_v = 0.8, phi_vp = 0.9, Dc = 0.49, Bc = 119.26, the bold part of equation turns into negative causing imaginary root. In my case actual h/t is only 14.33 and is well below S1 and doesn't govern though but still interested evaluating S2 being part of a spreadsheet, I am pretty sure simpler method should exist which I am not aware, sorry using this standard for first time.