- Feb 23, 2006
- 110
It's so hard to know if you are moving at a good pace. I don't have much to use as a measurement as how much I have learned and where I am as an engineer. It brings up a lot of uncertainty in myself. I want to be sure that I am setting myself up for a good future and keeping myself marketable as an engineer.
I've been working for 5 years now and I just feel like I haven't learned nearly as much as I would have liked. It seems like I get involved in repetitive projects that last a year or more. They involve repetitive designs on Pro/E and repetitive ANSYS analyses. I just imagined that I would be given a new project more often so I could broaden my knowledge base of the company and of engineering in general. It just seems like this place likes to pigeon hole you and then keep you pluggin' away at the same task for a long time.
Is this normal? Should I be concerned that I'm not learning enough to be keeping up with other engineers at my level?