- Mar 1, 2001
- 321
ok here is what i have done since yesterday
;11 calculate line length in drawing units
(setq linelength (sqrt (+
(expt (- (car starting)(car ending)) 2)
(expt (- (cadr starting)(cadr ending)) 2)
;(expt (- (cddr starting)(cddr ending)) 2)
;11 calculate line length in drawing units
(setq linelength (Distance starting ending))
And this works but i still cannot figure out how to make this calc more accurately
give me a hint please
Also i have a question about this here
;12 estimate the midpoint coordinates
(setq midpoint (polar starting angleradian (/ linelength 2)))
;lets put text a textsize away from the line
;replace textheight in the following line with other distances, if you wish,
(setq distfromline textheight)
(setq midpoint (polar midpoint (+ angleradian (/ 22. 14)) distfromline))
you have midpoint setqed 2 times althought vlide shows no error i dont undestand it very well
also you have there distfromline setqed from textheight but why ?? its not used anwhere else in the routine otehr than in the second midpoint setq in the routine
let me know but i would really like to figure out why i cannot get anything better than 1/4" precision when labeling
if everyone helps everybody the world will be a better place
ok here is what i have done since yesterday
;11 calculate line length in drawing units
(setq linelength (sqrt (+
(expt (- (car starting)(car ending)) 2)
(expt (- (cadr starting)(cadr ending)) 2)
;(expt (- (cddr starting)(cddr ending)) 2)
;11 calculate line length in drawing units
(setq linelength (Distance starting ending))
And this works but i still cannot figure out how to make this calc more accurately
give me a hint please
Also i have a question about this here
;12 estimate the midpoint coordinates
(setq midpoint (polar starting angleradian (/ linelength 2)))
;lets put text a textsize away from the line
;replace textheight in the following line with other distances, if you wish,
(setq distfromline textheight)
(setq midpoint (polar midpoint (+ angleradian (/ 22. 14)) distfromline))
you have midpoint setqed 2 times althought vlide shows no error i dont undestand it very well
also you have there distfromline setqed from textheight but why ?? its not used anwhere else in the routine otehr than in the second midpoint setq in the routine
let me know but i would really like to figure out why i cannot get anything better than 1/4" precision when labeling
if everyone helps everybody the world will be a better place