- Dec 2, 2001
- 74
What am I doing wrong here??
I have a 55 year old building with a doubly-reinfocved one-way slab (only one bay wide). I'm trying to analyze it to determine that largest load that can be placed (anywhere) on the floor during some construction/restoration work and I'm having some trouble getting a reasonable maximum moment Here's what I have:
6" Thick slab
Steel in the direction of span:
#4's at 6" - TOP
#4's at 6" - BOTTOM
Span is 9'
Long Direction (S&T) Steel is:
#4's @ 9" - Top and Bottom
Long Direction is ~140' long
(Imagine a 9' wide hallway)
I'm being conservative and assuming:
When I run my calculations I get:
Mu: 5.09'-k - When neglecting top steel layer.
Mu: 5.83'-k - When analyzing both layers of steel.
Is this what you guys get?? I've been tripping over this all day and I can't figure it out. My problem with these numbers is they are too low. The moment from the wieght of the slab alone would be around 6.8'-k.
I'm just coming out of school (4-months). Is a one-way slab analysis appropriate or would there be a better choice?? This is what I'm still learning
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I have a 55 year old building with a doubly-reinfocved one-way slab (only one bay wide). I'm trying to analyze it to determine that largest load that can be placed (anywhere) on the floor during some construction/restoration work and I'm having some trouble getting a reasonable maximum moment Here's what I have:
6" Thick slab
Steel in the direction of span:
#4's at 6" - TOP
#4's at 6" - BOTTOM
Span is 9'
Long Direction (S&T) Steel is:
#4's @ 9" - Top and Bottom
Long Direction is ~140' long
(Imagine a 9' wide hallway)
I'm being conservative and assuming:
When I run my calculations I get:
Mu: 5.09'-k - When neglecting top steel layer.
Mu: 5.83'-k - When analyzing both layers of steel.
Is this what you guys get?? I've been tripping over this all day and I can't figure it out. My problem with these numbers is they are too low. The moment from the wieght of the slab alone would be around 6.8'-k.
I'm just coming out of school (4-months). Is a one-way slab analysis appropriate or would there be a better choice?? This is what I'm still learning
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!