Hi there,
I'm currentlich starting to learn SAP2000 and facing a few problems.
I'm trying to build a simple wall with frame elements (blue) and link-elements (green), which should act as springs. From some tests on real walls I know the behaviour of the walls and can describe this with hysteretic curves and a certain stiffness. These values are my input parameters for the link-elements. I want the frame elements to be infinite rigid and the joints to be flexible.
For the modelling of the foundation, I would like to model two different versions. One (like in the picture) is to simply use restraints. The other one is to assign two link-elements at the two bottom joints. The second version should simulate the behaviour of ankers that we also testet on the real walls. The ankers should only work in tension and be infinite rigid in compression. For the first try i set the values of the compression values to 10^8 and the tension like the values we got as results from the tests. Is there any other possibility such as blocking the compression completely?
And my second question would be how I should assign the weight of the wall. When assigning it to the link elements, it won't be taken into account for the modal analysis. I'd like to use load patterns as later in the tast I also need to assign more loads such as snow loads. Does anybody know the best way to do this?
Thanks in advance!!

I'm currentlich starting to learn SAP2000 and facing a few problems.
I'm trying to build a simple wall with frame elements (blue) and link-elements (green), which should act as springs. From some tests on real walls I know the behaviour of the walls and can describe this with hysteretic curves and a certain stiffness. These values are my input parameters for the link-elements. I want the frame elements to be infinite rigid and the joints to be flexible.
For the modelling of the foundation, I would like to model two different versions. One (like in the picture) is to simply use restraints. The other one is to assign two link-elements at the two bottom joints. The second version should simulate the behaviour of ankers that we also testet on the real walls. The ankers should only work in tension and be infinite rigid in compression. For the first try i set the values of the compression values to 10^8 and the tension like the values we got as results from the tests. Is there any other possibility such as blocking the compression completely?
And my second question would be how I should assign the weight of the wall. When assigning it to the link elements, it won't be taken into account for the modal analysis. I'd like to use load patterns as later in the tast I also need to assign more loads such as snow loads. Does anybody know the best way to do this?
Thanks in advance!!