I've been sub contracting the framing on a hill side residential project. On the up hill side I have 40' long by 16' high concrete stem wall. My plywood subfloor has been unable to hold back the wall and the fill behind it, throwing everything in the basement 1/2" out of plumb. the wall has #5 hor. and #6 vert rebar one foot on center and is 8" thick. Construction goes like this, Piles drilled to bedrock on 20' center. a footer 8" x20" spans the piles. the basement wall is poured on the footer without rebar tieing the two together, not even a key-way . the basement floor is hung from the walls, so flooding should not be a problem. The general contractor has had the engineer look at previous homes on this hill and was told that everything is ok. It doesnt seem ok to me when all my walls get moved.
what do you think?
what do you think?