- Aug 13, 2009
- 18
Hi all,
I'm struggling with an LS DYNA job I'm working on at the moment and would very much appreciate any advice/assistance from someone who might be able to help me.
I am modelling a cabinet sitting on some springs which is subjected to impulse and vibration loading through the foundations. The aim of the analysis is twofold. First to ensure that the residual accelerations at the cabinet CG are within prescribed limits and secondly to ensure that the spring deflections are within specification, thus (hopefully) qualifying the specified shock absorber models with the cabinet.
I have quite a bit of experience with FEA (MSc and Nastran) and also some experience using LSPrePost for another fairly basic explicit analysis.
So that I can identify where I've been going wrong, I've gone back to modelling a cabinet simpply freefalling due to gravity.
My analysis steps have been so far:
1. Created the cabinet geometry using keypoints and areas.
2. Created a new SHELL163 element type (Type 1).
3. Created a new Real Constant Set and specified NIP = 5 and t1 = 2.5mm (Set 1).
4. Specified a new Rigid Material Model with mild steel properties (Material 1).
5. Used the MeshTool to Map Mesh the areas where Element Type = 1, Material ID = 1, Real Set = 1 and Global Size Control Element Divisions = 2.
6. Created two new arrays representing time (TIME) and acceleration due to gravity (ACCG): Time = 0,1 ACCG = 9.81, 9.81.
7. Created a new load curve where abscissa = TIME and ordinate = ACCG (Load Curve ID 1).
8. Created a new component containing all the cabinet nodes (CABINET).
9. Specified/added a new load ACLY, coordinate system 0, component = CABINET, Paramater 1 = Parameter 2 = None, LCID = 1.
10. Set Solution Time = 1s, Results File Output Interval = 50 and Time-History Output Interval = 50.
11. Solved the analysis.
The analysis runs but appears to be analysing 900,000s in three steps!
I thought what I had done so far would give me the first second of the cabinet free-falling due to gravity?
I have some further questions and would very much appreciate if someone could spare me some time to help me overcome a couple of hurdles.
Attached is the cabinet.k, message file output is below.
Many thanks and kind regards,
I'm struggling with an LS DYNA job I'm working on at the moment and would very much appreciate any advice/assistance from someone who might be able to help me.
I am modelling a cabinet sitting on some springs which is subjected to impulse and vibration loading through the foundations. The aim of the analysis is twofold. First to ensure that the residual accelerations at the cabinet CG are within prescribed limits and secondly to ensure that the spring deflections are within specification, thus (hopefully) qualifying the specified shock absorber models with the cabinet.
I have quite a bit of experience with FEA (MSc and Nastran) and also some experience using LSPrePost for another fairly basic explicit analysis.
So that I can identify where I've been going wrong, I've gone back to modelling a cabinet simpply freefalling due to gravity.
My analysis steps have been so far:
1. Created the cabinet geometry using keypoints and areas.
2. Created a new SHELL163 element type (Type 1).
3. Created a new Real Constant Set and specified NIP = 5 and t1 = 2.5mm (Set 1).
4. Specified a new Rigid Material Model with mild steel properties (Material 1).
5. Used the MeshTool to Map Mesh the areas where Element Type = 1, Material ID = 1, Real Set = 1 and Global Size Control Element Divisions = 2.
6. Created two new arrays representing time (TIME) and acceleration due to gravity (ACCG): Time = 0,1 ACCG = 9.81, 9.81.
7. Created a new load curve where abscissa = TIME and ordinate = ACCG (Load Curve ID 1).
8. Created a new component containing all the cabinet nodes (CABINET).
9. Specified/added a new load ACLY, coordinate system 0, component = CABINET, Paramater 1 = Parameter 2 = None, LCID = 1.
10. Set Solution Time = 1s, Results File Output Interval = 50 and Time-History Output Interval = 50.
11. Solved the analysis.
The analysis runs but appears to be analysing 900,000s in three steps!
I thought what I had done so far would give me the first second of the cabinet free-falling due to gravity?
I have some further questions and would very much appreciate if someone could spare me some time to help me overcome a couple of hurdles.
Attached is the cabinet.k, message file output is below.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Date: 04/12/2010 Time: 15:44:19
| |
| Livermore Software Technology Corporation |
| |
| 7374 Las Positas Road |
| Livermore, CA 94551 |
| Tel: (925) 449-2500 Fax: (925) 449-2507 |
| [URL unfurl="true"][/URL] |
| |
| LS-DYNA, A Program for Nonlinear Dynamic |
| Analysis of Structures in Three Dimensions |
| Version: 970 Date: 01/10/2005 |
| Revision: 5434a Time: 18:01:01 |
| |
| Features enabled in this version: |
| ANSYS Database format |
| Shared Memory Parallel |
| |
| Licensed to: |
| |
| Platform : |
| OS Level : WINDOWS XP |
| Hostname : universi-24ab95 |
| Precision : Single precision (I4R4) |
| |
| Unauthorized use infringes LSTC copyrights |
Input file: Cabinet.k
The native file format : 32-bit small endian
Memory size from default : 8500000
expanding memory to 8500000
******** notice ******** notice ******** notice ********
* *
* This is the LS-DYNA Explicit Finite Element code. *
* Neither LSTC nor the authors assume any responsibility for *
* the validity, accuracy, or applicability of any results *
* obtained from this system. The user must verify his own *
* results. *
* *
* LSTC endeavors to make the LS-DYNA code as complete, *
* accurate and easy to use as possible. *
* Suggestions and comments are welcomed. Please report any *
* errors encountered in either the documentation or results *
* immediately to LSTC through your site focus. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1990-2005 *
* by Livermore Software Technology Corp. (LSTC) *
* All rights reserved *
* *
******** notice ******** notice ******** notice ********
contracting memory to 24096
expanding memory to 79348
expanding memory to 109348
expanding memory to 169636
expanding memory to 200654
expanding memory to 262154
contracting memory to 2
LS-DYNA will perform a structural only analysis
LS-DYNA user input
ls-dyna (version 970 ) date 01/10/2005
expanding memory to 2194
expanding memory to 6026
contracting memory to 2444
expanding memory to 4096
expanding memory to 4100
expanding memory to 24319
expanding memory to 26325
contracting memory to 24953
expanding memory to 27768
contracting memory to 26020
contracting memory to 25968
expanding memory to 26118
expanding memory to 31767
expanding memory to 31937
expanding memory to 32660
expanding memory to 32675
expanding memory to 32695
contracting memory to 32695
contracting memory to 32695
expanding memory to 32775
contracting memory to 32775
expanding memory to 32776
contracting memory to 32776
1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 9.00E+05 flush i/o buffers
1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 9.00E+05 write ANSYS result file
1 t 9.0000E+05 dt 9.00E+05 write d3dump01 file
******** termination time reached ********
1 t 9.0000E+05 dt 9.00E+05 write ANSYS result file
N o r m a l t e r m i n a t i o n
Memory required for explicit solution : 32924
Additional dynamically allocated memory: 107
Total: 33031
T i m i n g i n f o r m a t i o n
CPU(seconds) %CPU Clock(seconds) %Clock
Initialization ....... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Element processing ... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Binary databases ..... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
ASCII database ....... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Contact algorithm .... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Contact entities ..... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Rigid bodies ......... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Implicit Nonlinear ... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Implicit Lin. Alg. ... 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
T o t a l s 0.0000E+00 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.00
Problem time = 9.0000E+05
Problem cycle = 1
Total CPU time = 0 seconds ( 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds)
CPU time per zone cycle = 0 nanoseconds
Clock time per zone cycle= 0 nanoseconds
Number of CPU's 1
NLQ used/max 96/ 96
Start time 04/12/2010 15:44:19
End time 04/12/2010 15:44:20
Elapsed time 1 seconds ( 0 hours 0 minutes 1 seconds)
N o r m a l t e r m i n a t i o n