This is embarrassing to admit but I am totally confused by all these Code Cases and Interpretations. Please help out someone who should really know better.
Are Code Cases mandatory? Must we follow Code Cases?
Are Interpretations mandatory? Must we follow interpretations?
How long are these things (Code Cases and Interpretations) valid? I see people invoking interpretations from 20 years ago. Wouldn't these have been incorporated into the Code by now if they're worthwhile?
If they are still valid can copies or books of old interpretations be purchased from ASME? If they aren't available what's a guy who comes to the dance half-way through supposed to do?
What is the best way to file these things? By sequence number? Keep them combined by Supplement number (Code Cases) or Volume number (Interpretations) with each new distribution from ASME?
For that matter, what's the recommended way to add new ASME Addenda to the current Code Edition? Insert the new sheets behind the old sheets? Replace the old sheets with the new sheets? (then throw out the old one?)
I'm being buried in coloured paper here and can't get my vessels built! Thanks!
This is embarrassing to admit but I am totally confused by all these Code Cases and Interpretations. Please help out someone who should really know better.
Are Code Cases mandatory? Must we follow Code Cases?
Are Interpretations mandatory? Must we follow interpretations?
How long are these things (Code Cases and Interpretations) valid? I see people invoking interpretations from 20 years ago. Wouldn't these have been incorporated into the Code by now if they're worthwhile?
If they are still valid can copies or books of old interpretations be purchased from ASME? If they aren't available what's a guy who comes to the dance half-way through supposed to do?
What is the best way to file these things? By sequence number? Keep them combined by Supplement number (Code Cases) or Volume number (Interpretations) with each new distribution from ASME?
For that matter, what's the recommended way to add new ASME Addenda to the current Code Edition? Insert the new sheets behind the old sheets? Replace the old sheets with the new sheets? (then throw out the old one?)
I'm being buried in coloured paper here and can't get my vessels built! Thanks!