- Jul 18, 2003
- 3
Within the E&P industry, production units are typically mass produced with code-stamped separators of varying sizes (typically 20 to 30" diameter and varying length). Although the separators are code-stamped, the manufacturer will usually include a fuel gas scrubber (knockout pot) in the skid to provide instrument gas, constructed of 6" Sch. 40 (6.065" ID) pipe and 2 to 3 feet in length, welded to the .25" thick floor plate and fitted with a relatively thin flat top head, fillet welded to the pipe shell. This "vessel", when rated by the manufacturer, is supposedly designed for 125# working pressure. However, they are typically not code-stamped and cannot meet the requirements of Section VIII, UG-34 because of insufficient thickness of the flat plate heads.
My question is: based upon the dimensions given above, shouldn't this "vessel" be within the scope of Section VIII, Div. 1? Some persons will argue that it is not and therefore does not require relief protection or warrant the inspection requirements of API 510.
My question is: based upon the dimensions given above, shouldn't this "vessel" be within the scope of Section VIII, Div. 1? Some persons will argue that it is not and therefore does not require relief protection or warrant the inspection requirements of API 510.