- Mar 12, 2001
- 108
[ul][li]In UG-32(e) Torispherical Heads, torispherical heads made of materials having UTS >= 70,000PSI (500 MPa) shall be designed with S = 20,000 PSI (150 MPa) at room temperature and reduced in proportion to design temperature.
The rounding in MPa seems appropriate according to nonmandatory appendix GG.[/li]
[li]In 1-4(c)Ellipsoidal Heads, note 1, all torispherical heads made of material having a minimum specified UTS > 70,000PSI (482 MPa) shall be designed using a value of S = 20,000 PSI (138 MPa) at room temperature and reduced in proportion to design temperature.[/li][/ul]
Note: In ASME VIII DIVISON 1 2001, values were respectively 482MPA/138000kPa and 482MPA/137,2MPa.
1st question:
Shall I use the 500MPa/150Mpa only in UG-32(e);
then 482MPA/138Mpa only in 1-4(c)?
How about using these last values in 1-4(d) and 1-4(f)?
2nd question:
both UG-32 and 1-4 address FORMED heads. Does it mean there is no special requirement for heads in an integrally casted part? (-> U-2(g)?). Did I miss something about castings?
Yours truly,
[ul][li]In UG-32(e) Torispherical Heads, torispherical heads made of materials having UTS >= 70,000PSI (500 MPa) shall be designed with S = 20,000 PSI (150 MPa) at room temperature and reduced in proportion to design temperature.
The rounding in MPa seems appropriate according to nonmandatory appendix GG.[/li]
[li]In 1-4(c)Ellipsoidal Heads, note 1, all torispherical heads made of material having a minimum specified UTS > 70,000PSI (482 MPa) shall be designed using a value of S = 20,000 PSI (138 MPa) at room temperature and reduced in proportion to design temperature.[/li][/ul]
Note: In ASME VIII DIVISON 1 2001, values were respectively 482MPA/138000kPa and 482MPA/137,2MPa.
1st question:
Shall I use the 500MPa/150Mpa only in UG-32(e);
then 482MPA/138Mpa only in 1-4(c)?
How about using these last values in 1-4(d) and 1-4(f)?
2nd question:
both UG-32 and 1-4 address FORMED heads. Does it mean there is no special requirement for heads in an integrally casted part? (-> U-2(g)?). Did I miss something about castings?
Yours truly,