- Jan 4, 2008
- 46
I'm working in SW2010 (yes, I know its 2017) on a PC configuration that's been quite stable for the last few years. I've been working on an assembly for the last month or so. Tonight that assembly crashed in some fashion. As it did so I checked other parts and assemblies I have open in SW and they behaved fine. Only the one assembly was frozen. I closed that assembly and then made a bad choice - I saved that failing assembly during the close. When I reopened it the first thing I noticed is that it opened upside down and zoomed out quite a bit. After spinning it upright and zooming in I saw that everything in the assembly is partially transparent, kind of like what you get with in context editing but not quite the same. And right - left are now reversed. Everything else in that model seems to work. Other open models / windows are unaffected. Subassemblies of the problem assembly look good in other windows. I've restarted SW and restarted the computer. I've read this thread on a similar sounding issue but couldn't get any relief from it - Does anyone know what mode or alternate universe I'm in? I've attached a screen shot.