I intend to pour a R.C. Bridge structure supported on a flexible truss scaffolding in two pouring sequences. The first pour is rather a flexible slab section. After this pour has gained the design strength of the concrete, the second pour concrete is going to be poured. However, the amount of second pour concrete is about 300 cubic m. and would take atleast 10 hours to pour using two pumps. If part of this section sets while second stage pouring is being carried out and becomes stiff enough to carry the load then I think that the first poured slab section may become stiffer than before in relation with the flexible truss scafolding.
In order to analyse this problem I think it is necessry to know for me as to when this M40 grade concrete with initial setting time of 4.5 hours and final setting time of 7 hours becomes stiff enough to carry the load so that stresses can set up in second poured section.
I shall be grateful if you can answer my query.
In order to analyse this problem I think it is necessry to know for me as to when this M40 grade concrete with initial setting time of 4.5 hours and final setting time of 7 hours becomes stiff enough to carry the load so that stresses can set up in second poured section.
I shall be grateful if you can answer my query.