- Feb 22, 2005
- 1
hello, i have a question about my basement floor. a couple years ago we had a large rainfall and my walkout basement cement is cracking and heaving during the winter months. the cracks a about 1/4 inch wide and heaving approx 1/4 to 1/2 inch they have spread from end to end of my basement. since the rainfall and after noticing water puddles out my walkout basement i have put a line of weeping tile underground from the house to to coulee 50 ft away. this year i have noticed that the cracks have gradually gotten larger... i am wanting to ceramic tile the floor but with the cracks and heaving am afraid to do so. it is an unusual instance as there is not one crack in any walls inside or outside of my house and the structure of the house seems to be fine. the cracks seem to be appearing about 3-5 feet from the foundation and are heaving as if the concrete floor is lifting from the center on the house as there is no cracking near the main steel poles above the main beam. i have put a ruler over a crack and it teeters about a 1/4 inch starting from the the first crack line 8 ft from the wall then move to 5 ft away and again 1/4 inch or so as if the foundation is dropping. again it is hard to understand as the drywall at the base of cement is the same as when it was first put up and the poles are not droppin. no moisture appears in the basement except little discoloration spots near the cracks about 2 inches and only 4 or 5 spots. last with a plate tamperer on the outside of the walkout i tried packing the ground for paving stone and the ground feels like a plate on water (almost hollow) i do not know what to do could you please help!!! thanks.