- Oct 10, 2002
- 1,120
BECHTEL Technical Papers
This index showcases just a few of the many technical and other papers written by Bechtel experts. You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view these documents.
For more information on any of these documents, contact
Below is the index of available papers:
Developing Site-Specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Multiple Media at the Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck Plant (PDF: 311KB, 18 pages)
WM'03 Conference, February 23-27, 2003, Tucson, AZ
Seismic Analysis and Design with Maxwell Dampers (PDF: 929KB, 11 pages)
Journal of Engineering Mechanics © ASCE/March 2003
Jet Grout Columns Support Major Power Plant Structures (PDF: 234KB, 8 pages)
12th PanAmerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE Geo-Institute, Cambridge, MA, June 2003
Economic and Performance Evaluation of Heat Sink Options in Combined Cycle Applications (PDF: 321KB, 9 pages)
Proceedings of Turbo Expo: ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 16-19, 2003
Copyright © 2003 by ASME
Evaluation of Water Resources Reliability in Morocco (PDF: 251KB, 11 pages)
Presented at the XI World Water Congress, Madrid, Spain, October 5-9, 2003
Evaluating Performance of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers in LNG Plants (PDF: 766 KB, 10 pages)
Prepared for Presentation at the AIChE Spring National Meeting 2003, New Orleans, LNG Equipment Design
Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Tacoma Narrows Bridge Upgrade Project (PDF: 1.2 MB, 8 pages)
Proceedings of FEDSM'03: 4th ASME. JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 6-11, 2003
Direct Deterministic Method for Neutronics Analysis and Computation of Asymptotic Burnup Distribution in a Recirculating Pebble-Bed Reactor (PDF: 581 KB, 20 pages)
Annals of Nuclear Energy, January 1, 2002
A Generic Semi-Implicit Coupling Methodology for Use in RELAP5- 3D© (PDF: 484 KB, 14 pages)
Nuclear Engineering and Design, January 1, 2002
Equivalent Channel Network Model for Permeability and Electrical Conductivity of Fracture Networks (PDF: 1,665 KB, 12 pages)
Journal of Geophysical Research, January 1, 2002
Preparation and Characterization of Novel Polymer/Silicate Nanocomposites (PDF: 394 KB, 11 pages)
Functional Condensation Polymers, January 1, 2002
UMTS Radio Interface System Planning and Optimization (PDF: 467 KB, 10 pages)
Bechtel Telecommunications Technical Journal, December 2002
Driving Point Impedance and Physical Property Logging (PDF: 198 KB, 4 pages)
Technical Program of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), January 1, 2002
Field Demonstration of Acetone Pretreatment and Composting of Particulate-TNT-Contaminated Soil (PDF: 2,762 KB, 14 pages)
Bioremediation Journal, February 2, 2002
Heavy-Metal Aerosol Transport in a Lead-Bismuth Cooled Fast Reactor with In-Vessel Direct-Contact Steam Generation (PDF: 2,399 KB, 14 pages)
Nuclear Technology, April 4, 2002
The Effects of Supercritical Propane on the Alkylation of Toluene with Ethylene over USY and Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts (PDF: 404 KB, 9 pages)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., January 1, 2002
Trinidad LNG?"The Second Wave" (PDF: 208 KB, 8 pages)
Gastech 2002, October 13, 2002
Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Drilled Shafts with Construction Flaws (PDF: 269 KB, 23 pages)
Transportation Research Board, January 2002
A Large Coal IGCC Power Plant (PDF: 460 KB, 28 pages)
19th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 23-27, 2002
Alternative RF Planning Solutions for Coverage Deficiency (PDF: 546 KB, 11 pages)
Bechtel Telecommunications Technical Journal, December 1, 2002
Proven Success for Driven Pile Foundations (PDF: 249 KB, 9 pages)
International Deep Foundations Congress, February 14, 2002
Design Considerations for Combined Cycle Plants for the Deregulated Market?An EPC Contractor’s Perspective (PDF: 204 KB, 6 pages)
ASME Turbo Expo 2002, June 3, 2002
Fieldbus Technology for the LNG Process?A Viable Option (PDF: 477 KB, 3 pages)
LNG Journal, November 15, 2002
Alloy 430 Ferritic Stainless Steel Welds Fail Due to Stress Corrosion Cracking In Heat Recovery Steam Generator (PDF: 2,725 KB, 8 pages)
ASME Journal, August 1, 2002
Solid Fuel Power Plant Structures?Modular Design & Construction Techniques Can Keep Projects on Schedule and Within Quantity Estimates (PDF: 414 KB, 3 pages)
Structure, February 2002
Technical & Economic Comparison of CO2 Reducing Technologies for Power Plants (PDF: 406 KB, 6 pages)
CEPSI, November 5, 2002
Incremental Cost of CO2 Reduction in Power Plants (PDF: 431 KB, 7 pages)
ASME Turbo Expo 2002, June 3, 2002
BECHTEL Technical Papers
This index showcases just a few of the many technical and other papers written by Bechtel experts. You will need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view these documents.
For more information on any of these documents, contact
Below is the index of available papers:
Developing Site-Specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Multiple Media at the Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck Plant (PDF: 311KB, 18 pages)
WM'03 Conference, February 23-27, 2003, Tucson, AZ
Seismic Analysis and Design with Maxwell Dampers (PDF: 929KB, 11 pages)
Journal of Engineering Mechanics © ASCE/March 2003
Jet Grout Columns Support Major Power Plant Structures (PDF: 234KB, 8 pages)
12th PanAmerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE Geo-Institute, Cambridge, MA, June 2003
Economic and Performance Evaluation of Heat Sink Options in Combined Cycle Applications (PDF: 321KB, 9 pages)
Proceedings of Turbo Expo: ASME/IGTI Turbo Expo, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 16-19, 2003
Copyright © 2003 by ASME
Evaluation of Water Resources Reliability in Morocco (PDF: 251KB, 11 pages)
Presented at the XI World Water Congress, Madrid, Spain, October 5-9, 2003
Evaluating Performance of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers in LNG Plants (PDF: 766 KB, 10 pages)
Prepared for Presentation at the AIChE Spring National Meeting 2003, New Orleans, LNG Equipment Design
Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Tacoma Narrows Bridge Upgrade Project (PDF: 1.2 MB, 8 pages)
Proceedings of FEDSM'03: 4th ASME. JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, July 6-11, 2003
Direct Deterministic Method for Neutronics Analysis and Computation of Asymptotic Burnup Distribution in a Recirculating Pebble-Bed Reactor (PDF: 581 KB, 20 pages)
Annals of Nuclear Energy, January 1, 2002
A Generic Semi-Implicit Coupling Methodology for Use in RELAP5- 3D© (PDF: 484 KB, 14 pages)
Nuclear Engineering and Design, January 1, 2002
Equivalent Channel Network Model for Permeability and Electrical Conductivity of Fracture Networks (PDF: 1,665 KB, 12 pages)
Journal of Geophysical Research, January 1, 2002
Preparation and Characterization of Novel Polymer/Silicate Nanocomposites (PDF: 394 KB, 11 pages)
Functional Condensation Polymers, January 1, 2002
UMTS Radio Interface System Planning and Optimization (PDF: 467 KB, 10 pages)
Bechtel Telecommunications Technical Journal, December 2002
Driving Point Impedance and Physical Property Logging (PDF: 198 KB, 4 pages)
Technical Program of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), January 1, 2002
Field Demonstration of Acetone Pretreatment and Composting of Particulate-TNT-Contaminated Soil (PDF: 2,762 KB, 14 pages)
Bioremediation Journal, February 2, 2002
Heavy-Metal Aerosol Transport in a Lead-Bismuth Cooled Fast Reactor with In-Vessel Direct-Contact Steam Generation (PDF: 2,399 KB, 14 pages)
Nuclear Technology, April 4, 2002
The Effects of Supercritical Propane on the Alkylation of Toluene with Ethylene over USY and Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts (PDF: 404 KB, 9 pages)
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., January 1, 2002
Trinidad LNG?"The Second Wave" (PDF: 208 KB, 8 pages)
Gastech 2002, October 13, 2002
Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Drilled Shafts with Construction Flaws (PDF: 269 KB, 23 pages)
Transportation Research Board, January 2002
A Large Coal IGCC Power Plant (PDF: 460 KB, 28 pages)
19th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 23-27, 2002
Alternative RF Planning Solutions for Coverage Deficiency (PDF: 546 KB, 11 pages)
Bechtel Telecommunications Technical Journal, December 1, 2002
Proven Success for Driven Pile Foundations (PDF: 249 KB, 9 pages)
International Deep Foundations Congress, February 14, 2002
Design Considerations for Combined Cycle Plants for the Deregulated Market?An EPC Contractor’s Perspective (PDF: 204 KB, 6 pages)
ASME Turbo Expo 2002, June 3, 2002
Fieldbus Technology for the LNG Process?A Viable Option (PDF: 477 KB, 3 pages)
LNG Journal, November 15, 2002
Alloy 430 Ferritic Stainless Steel Welds Fail Due to Stress Corrosion Cracking In Heat Recovery Steam Generator (PDF: 2,725 KB, 8 pages)
ASME Journal, August 1, 2002
Solid Fuel Power Plant Structures?Modular Design & Construction Techniques Can Keep Projects on Schedule and Within Quantity Estimates (PDF: 414 KB, 3 pages)
Structure, February 2002
Technical & Economic Comparison of CO2 Reducing Technologies for Power Plants (PDF: 406 KB, 6 pages)
CEPSI, November 5, 2002
Incremental Cost of CO2 Reduction in Power Plants (PDF: 431 KB, 7 pages)
ASME Turbo Expo 2002, June 3, 2002