I'm have a rod that I am trying to assess capacity for from an old design where the calculations were either lost or never done. There is an area on the design that consists of a 1-1/4" steel rod bent at a 7/8" bend radius into a full circle then it is welded back on to the rod. I am trying to find a standard or method for calculating the capacity of this eye as it is too tight of a bend but would be best to estimate as it was implemented.
I have analyzed the shear and tension resistance but feel that there would be loss of the strength of the steel in this section which I don't know how to quantify. It is also possible that this cannot be calculated without knowing the fabrication methods.
Any guidance that people may be able to provide would be helpful.
I have analyzed the shear and tension resistance but feel that there would be loss of the strength of the steel in this section which I don't know how to quantify. It is also possible that this cannot be calculated without knowing the fabrication methods.
Any guidance that people may be able to provide would be helpful.